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Does your child wear their backpack ergonomically?


School is back! We hope that your child had wonderful first weeks back to school and your family has eased back to the school routine like a breeze.  

While our kids are diving into their times tables and spelling bees, it’s also important to educate them about the importance of maintaining good spinal health. Yes, we know we talk about the spine a lot, not just because we are chiropractors but also it’s the most important set of bones in our body. So, let’s support it properly, and help our kiddos do so.

Below is a very good check-list shared by Harlequin Kids, to ensure that your child’s backpack is ergonomic: 

Fit and sizing

  • Their backpack should be worn snuggly to the body without space between their back and the pack itself.
  • Backpack should not be longer than your child’s body torso and should sit above their buttocks. 


  • Always wear on tow shoulders. NEVER on one shoulder.
  • Shoulder straps pulled tightly so that backpack fits snuggly to your back. 
  • Do not wear straps loose as this will cause slouching and back ache.  

Lower back

  • No slouching! Do not overload backpack as this will cause forward leaning which can result in lower and mid back muscle pain.


  • Use waist straps/hip pads (where available) which aids comfort and weight distribution.

DO NOT OVERLOAD - No more than 10-15 percent of the child's weight. Always pack your heavier items low and towards the back.

Naturally, kids don’t often consider how slouching in their seats or slugging around a heavy backpack might affect their developing spines. That’s why a visit to a chiropractor is so beneficial around this time of the year. We can assess your child’s spinal health and provide valuable tips on maintaining proper posture in class and the correct way to wear a backpack to support their spine.

If you need any advice, reach out to our team at