CALL: 07 3848 8526 168 Beaudesert Road, Moorooka QLD 4105

News and Insights

The common causes of poor posture 

In our modern, technology-driven world, the battle for maintaining good posture is becoming increasingly challenging. From hunching over smartphones to slouching at desks, poor posture has become a...

Results of 2023 Patient Survey

In April 2023 we conducted our inaugural annual patient survey to ask our patients for their feedback and what we can do better. We received 56 responses and are tremendously grateful for...

Cervicogenic headaches

Cervicogenic headaches are one of the most common conditions that we often see at our clinic. It is a type of headache that originates from the cervical spine, located in the neck. The cervical spine...

The benefits of combining dry needling with chiropractic care

Dry needling is a complementary therapy that is commonly used for musculoskeletal treatment. It can be done by your dry needling trained chiropractor and involves inserting a thin needle into the...

What does it take to become a registered Chiropractor?

To be a registered chiropractor in Australia, the chiropractors at Moorooka Chiropractic Centre must complete a minimum of five years of higher education, which includes both academic and clinical...

The interrelationship between the nervous system and chiropractic care

The nervous system is an essential part of the human body that is responsible for controlling and coordinating the body's functions. It is a complex network of specialized cells, known as neurons,...

Is HIIT(High-Intensity Interval Training) a healthy choice?

As Chiropractors, we are often asked about exercise and how it plays a role in health. Exercise is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The key is to find some sort of fitness regime which you...